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Jennifer Davidson  さんを診察室2番に呼ぶには、 

Ms. Davidson, Jennifer Davidson, come on in to room number 2 (please). 

女性はミセスかミスかわからないので、ミズ(Msはミズ、と読みます。ミズはミセスとミスを含みます)というのが無難で正しい。男はいつでもミスターでOK。 Pleaseはつけるとよりよい。ぶっきらぼうな診療所では、単にDavidson, Davidson,と呼んだりするが、レベルが低いとこ、という感じ。 


Nice meeting you. My name is Dr. Otaka. 



Hi, how are you, Ms. Davidson? 

I'm OK. How are you, doctor? 


というかんじで肩なんかに手を回しながら気さくに言う。マイアミあたりじゃほっぺにキス一発ってとこですね。この時、すでにMs, Davidsonじゃなく、Jenniferと呼ぶようになってたら、そう呼んだほうが親近感が出ます。

医療の現場では。患者さんからJenniferと読んでくれと直接言われない限り、名字、すなわちラストネームで呼んでますね。でも、英語圏の患者さんは、実はfirst nameで呼ばれるのがとても好きなので、年下とかだといきなりfirstで呼んでも全く問題ありません。逆に喜ばれたりします。ま、そのへんの微妙なかんじはむずかしいので、とりあえず名字で呼ぶのが無難です。 

Have a seat here ,please. 

なんとなくsit down pleaseよりsmartな感じ 

Who sent you here? または Who referred you here? 

誰からの紹介ですか? これはきまり文句。 

Do you have a refer letter? 

refer letterは紹介状のこと。 

What's the trouble? 



I'm sorry I can't catch you. Could you speak more slowly please? 


I got you. 

OK. let me ask you some questions. 

How do you feel? (日常的には How do you feel? だけが多いが、How do you feel? のほうが丁寧)  Itchy? painful? sandy? burning? 

Since when? 

Do you feel it constantly or occasionally? 

What kind of medicine do you take? (内服が前提ならこれ。点眼薬が前提ならWhat kind of eyedrops do you use? とむこうの先生は聞いていました) 

What kind of medical history do you have? 

Do you have any kind of family history? 

Do you have any allergies? 

向こうの先生はぶっきらぼうにDo you have allergy? と聞いていました。allergyは一応countableなので、正確にはこうなるのだと思われます。発音はアラジーズです。カタカナ読みでそのままアラジーというとばっちり通じます。アレルギーというと絶対通じません。 

OK. Could you put your chin here and attach your forehead here? 


これは眼科でslit lampという機械で診察する時のせりふ。これに限らず、体の部分に関しては、普通に日本語で考えて直訳した英語がかなり通じます。 

Open your eyes, close, open, close, open, close. 

Just close your eyes like you are sleeping. 


Open both of your eyes, look up, look down, look right, look left, look all the way up, look all the way down.look all the way right, look all the way left, look up to your right, down to your right, down to your left, up to your left, look straight. 

Let me flip your upper eyelid. 


OK, could you sit back please? 


OK. Let me dilate your pupil. I put two kinds of drops and have you wait outside for about 30 minutes. OK? 


Ms. Davidson, Jennifer Davidson, come on in to room number 2 (please). 

Have a seat here please. 

Let me see back of your eyes. 


I'm sorry this light is a little too bright. Open both of your eyes, look up, look down, look right, look left, look all the way up, look all the way down. look all the way right, look all the way left, look up to your right, down to your right, down to your left, up to your left, look straight. OK. 

OK, Jennifer, you have cataract. 


Operation is the only solution. There is no drug. 

If you are happy with your vision, that's OK. 

If you function well, that's OK. 

You don't need to rush into surgery as long as you can get by. 

get byはやっていける、といういみ。めちゃsmartないいかたですな。日本人が聞いてもsmartさが伝わってきます。get byはゲッバイ、です。 

Cataract is a selective surgery. Everything is up to you. 

文法的にはCataract surgery is a selective surgeryというべきだろうが、くどいので、こういってた。あんたしだいですよ、したかったらしてください、というかんじ。このへんはひじょうに使える。up to you は、あなた次第、というきまりもんく。 


Everything is up to you. 


Your lens is like a candy. We gently open the candy wrap and by using ultrasound, soften and break the candy inside and suck it. 


Recently cataract operation became very easy, but operation always has risk. We can never guarantee 100%. 

Normally we can guarantee 99% success. But your candy wrap is weaker than usual, so in your case we can guarantee 90% success. 


OK. I'm going to see you back for 6 month. 

これもきまり文句。日本で英語に詳しい方からOK, I’m going to see you 6 months later. の方が自然ではないか?という指摘がありました。むこうでは上記のように言ってましたが、forは日本語のてにおはみたいなものでマイアミあたりじゃよく間違っているので、後者のほうが100%間違いない表現といえる。

Take care. Bye bye. 


reading glasses  近見用めがね 

I'll be honest with you. (To be honest with you,・・・・・) 正直に言うと、・・・・

Do you see distortion of the lines? 

I'm going to give you an ointment. 

Do you have your drops? 

OK. let me give you a prescription. 

You have an unusual vein. You are born that way  But there is no problem 

At this time I'm fully booked until the end of September 

My recommendation is to have surgery. 

operation room 

front desk 受付 

Cataract is an elective surgery. 

OK. You can graduate. 

This drug is home made, so you can get it only in this hospital. 

go to clinic 

I'm on call this week. 

This patient came to emergency last night. 

For whatever reason it happened. 

Are these glasses for distance, for reading, or progressive? 

These glasses are bifocal, right? 

You need to change your glasses. 

These glasses are OK. 

Let me prescribe your glasses. 

That affects me 

That's annoying. (正確にはThat's annoying me.ですが、日常ではこう言っていました)

I'm going to have to do pre-ope today, OK? 

I'll give you the name of your drugs. 


mail: otaka@isao.com

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